1. This blue cross (it really IS blue) with a stick and a snake that I found on an inside wall: What does it mean? Where would you normally see this? How important is this to me? Here’s a photo I found in a building:
Interestingly, the search-by-image method doesn’t work on this picture. If you modify the query by adding the term “medical” (which you could guess at because this is clearly some kind of medical symbol with the Rod of Asclepius–an easy search with [ rod snake symbol ])
2. Here’s another symbol–a box with arrow. The only clue I have about this is that it was in a parking lot… on the ground, shown on top of a plastic traffic dot that’s cemented to the ground. What does this mean?
3. And lastly, a symbol that I’ve found on the side of a few walls in the city. What could this possibly mean?