Happy end of 2020!
I’m sure 2020 will be the topic of endless PhD theses in the future, but at the moment, I’m just as happy to move on in to a brighter future.
But I wanted to leave you with a little gift–a pro tip that I use all the time, but I realized the other day that not everyone knows about! To fix this gap in world knowledge, I put together a little 1MM (1-Minute Morceaux video) for you on how to use tab-to-search. This search trick saves me a lot of time, and just might save you a few extra milliseconds.
(The key idea is that you can often use the sites’ own search utility (if they have one!) to search their site in the way that THEY think is best. This isn’t the same as the SITE: search you all know and love, but it uses the site’s own search too.)
Link to the 1MM video: Tab to Search
And search on!